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Takaful Consulting
& Services

Hey there! Looking for financial protection? I'm Megat Hazwan, an experienced takaful consultant since 2014. Let me help you make sure you and your loved ones are secure. Get in touch today to learn more

Our Services

Our Services

Here are list of services that are currently available.

Medical Coverage Plan

Having peace of mind, knowing that you have a safety net in place in case of unforeseen medical expenses.

Income Replacement Plan (Hibah)

Financial Protection for Loved Ones: It provides a financial safety net for your loved ones in the event of your death.

Education Plan

Let's ensure you children to have the means to pursue their educational goals even if you're no longer there to support them financially. 

Retirement Plan

People are living longer, and retirement can last for several decades. Let's ensuring that you have enough savings and investments to sustain yourself over the years.

Policy Review

Major life changes, such as getting married, having children, buying a new home, starting a business, or retiring, can impact your takaful needs. 

Career Opportunity

The takaful industry offers competitive compensation packages and opportunities for financial growth.

Take charge of your career today!


"Megat Hazwan is a very knowledgeable and reliable guy. Easy to deal with. Highly recommended!"

Aidil Radzi

Ready to find out more?

I am just a click away. If you need consultation on takaful or maybe looking for opportunity in the takaful industry, just click the WhatsApp button below!

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